7th - 9th November 2025
Abbey Hotel, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3ET.
Simon Heather is one of the leading teachers in the field of sound healing. Simon has been teaching sound healing workshops for over thirty years. He has written nine books and created eight CD's.
Simon has taught sound healing workshops in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the USA and the UK. He has appeared on radio or television in Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and in the UK.
Simon has an extensive background in the healing arts and is a qualified acupuncturist, healer and bodyworker. He has studied with some of the world's leading spiritual teachers and sound healers.
In 1996 Simon brought a group of sound healers together to found the 'UK Sound Healers Association', a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sound healing in the United Kingdom. This eventually led to the formation of the College of Sound Healing in 2005.
He has travelled to India many times to study mantra, chant and the Yoga of Sound.
In this presentation, Simon will share his sound healing journey and the story of the creation of the College of Sound Healing.
His presentation will focus on the many aspects of sound healing -
Simon will teach some sound healing exercises, chants and mantras. There will be time for questions.
yoga and photo by cecile
Kirtan and Prayer Songs for the Earth
Deep dive into the heart through co-created song.
A conversation with that inner place in each one of us that is ever unified with everything in creation; a practice of communion with all that is. Everyone in the space adds their voice and in doing so contributes their special spice to flavour the collective soup we brew together. We can express the truth of themselves through these songs of freedom.
Sivani Mata is an artist moved by a sensory and elemental exploration of life through practice that evokes the liminal experience of trance-like states of consciousness and the centring of the awareness in heart. She believes in this process of deep inner work as a way to cultivate a harmonic relationship with the Earth. She is grateful for this journey she finds herself on and the practices that support her path. www.sivanimata.co.uk
The conference is residential only, no day visitors, with three meals a day and two nights accommodation. The food is mainly vegetarian with a meat/fish option and a vegan option.
The conference price includes all workshops and offers you a chance to learn new skills, to network, to have fun and chill out in a beautiful setting. Bring your drum and rattle with you!
There is also a market area at the conference where you can buy sound healing instruments.
Arrival is from 3pm onwards on Friday for an evening meal at 6.30pm. The conference closes at 3.30pm on the Sunday.
If you would like to run a stall at the conference the cost will be £85 for a two-metre table and £50 for a one-metre table.
Space for stalls is limited so please book early. For more information on booking stalls please contact Rob Dickerson on 01525 753 866.
Susan - “I had a wonderful time (as I always do) and thank you for allowing Michelle and I to give our workshop. We have already booked to attend in 2025.”
Allan - “It was beautifully run. I am still feeling the energy buzz and so pleased I have connected with fellow students and tutors. I'm very much looking forward to next year. And the hotel and staff were fabulous. I really enjoyed the mantra workshop too.”
Arlene - “It was a wonderful weekend. I really enjoyed the workshops I attended.”
Lucy - “What a wonderful College gathering we had again this year, Many, many thanks for that.”
Carole - “It was fabulous. Loved the chanting and the chi gong which I am practicing every day. I loved the drumming workshop with spirit animals and the Gong Bath with Liz.”
Kate - “It was an enjoyable conference. The chanting evening was lovely, it is a great idea to have a participatory event on the Saturday evening.”
Michelle - “The conference was epic!”
Nicola - “The conference was amazing (it was my first time).”
Sylvie - “The main presentation and the Khoomi Overtone Singing Workshop were really interesting. I also loved Gavin Frank's Chant Out.”
Pauline - “I loved every moment of the conference!”
Kay - “Thank you for hosting a wonderful conference.”
Darren - “Everyone I spoke to seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the conference. The Kirtan was absolutely amazing.”
Sylvie - “It was wonderful. I loved it all, especially Lucy Crisfield and the Kirtan concert with Sivana Mata, Mark and Lucy again. The best concert I have ever attended!”
Debbie - “The conference was fantastic. The workshops, presentation and venue were all superb.”
Hara - “I thought the Kirtan was the best evening event I’ve experienced so far. It was really wonderful.”
Eva - “The whole conference was lovely.”
Adrienne - “I really enjoyed the conference, the workshops and the hotel. Please keep offering the yoga sessions they are a lovely way to start the day.”
Sally - “Thank you for a wonderful weekend. The closing ceremony and the rattle tunnel were amazing. I met some remarkable people and have made so many new friends.”
Susan – “Thank you again for a superb conference - looking forward to next year.”
Keith – “Thank you and the team for a great conference. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I learnt a lot and enjoyed the social aspect of it as well.”
Pareena - “I just wanted to say thank you again for a lovely conference and for all the effort put in. It was magical and rewarding once again.”
Alistair - “What a lovely weekend! It was one of the best for me. So amazing to be with everyone and do lots of sound together.”
Kate – “I just wanted to say a big thank you for holding the conference this year. I received so much from the conference this year in many different ways - nurturing, rest and recuperation, emotional and spiritual support from friends, a holding safe environment in which to openly share.”
“I feel genuinely refreshed and held within the community of sound healers that you have created. It is such a magical event. Thank you. So much happens in such a short space of time at the conference - its such a rich and very positive environment for much learning and change.”
Jan and Paul – “Thank you for organising yet another wonderful conference. We really enjoyed the workshops and Ravi's concert. Paul Devereux's presentation provided yet another interesting perspective of sound. Overall the atmosphere was amazing and it was an absolute joy to be part of it.”
Debbie – “I just wanted to say how very much I enjoyed the conference this year. You all did a brilliant job putting together such a comprehensive program during these very difficult times.”
Jonathan - “This was my first conference having recently qualified as a gong practitioner. I really enjoyed the experience. I felt like my consciousness was raised by several degrees over the weekend. I learned a lot and it inspired me to share the gift of sound with others.”
Blu – “Thank you again for another wonderful conference this year. I enjoyed every moment, the speakers, the workshops, Rajesh's wonderful sharing of Nada Yoga and especially meeting up with everyone, it really is a family.”
Craig – “Congratulations again for a beautiful uplifting College Conference. The vibration was fabulous! Thanks go to you, the organising committee and to the hotel staff for all the caring energy.”
Jenny – “Thank you for an inspiring Conference once again. This was the first time I had been able to stay for the final session and it made a beautiful completion of a special weekend.”
Georgina – “Thank you and your team for a wonderful weekend of insight and healing! I have come away feeling refreshed and energised with a new found confidence in what I share with others.”
Estelle – “Just to say a huge thanks. It was a wonderful conference - very stimulating.”
Sue – “I just wanted to say a really big thank you to you & all the team who made this such a great conference. I especially loved the idea of having an opening ceremony, it was a really bonding experience, especially as there were so many "first timers" there. After 2017 I didn't think it could get any better but I was wrong, well done everyone, and that includes the hotel staff who were as welcoming and helpful as ever! Can't wait until we're all together again.”
Alexandra – “We loved the weekend. We thought everything flowed beautifully. The selection of workshops was broad and we all found something inspiring. I particularly enjoyed Shirley's Life Music, such fun, and so liberating.
Blu – “A wonderful time shared, full of heart, fun and laughter! Thanks Simon and everyone!”
Anita – “An amazing conference. Best so far. The gathering with Chris was fabulous and an excellent way to start the conference and unite everyone there. By far the best Friday evening I've experienced. Eileen was simply inspirational and the best speaker I've heard. She will be hard to beat. The staff and hotel was brilliant as always as were the rooms.”
Patricia – “As always I really enjoyed the conference. Well done and thanks to you all for organising it. I thoroughly enjoyed Chrys's opening event. Eileen McKcusick's speech was excellent. Informative, entertaining and completely riveting.”
Trixi – “Once again, very enjoyable, excellent keynote speaker. The hotel was excellent, took good care of us, and has finally solved the food intolerance issue. It was a wonderful conference and I look forward to next year!”
Lisa – “I think the closing ceremony was my favourite part. After a weekend of tuning and balancing we were met by the Ancestors. I love that we all come together as a group to sing together. It was truly magical. The harmonies were so uplifting. Loved loved loved it.”
Zara – “I really loved the conference and thought the variety and quantity of material was fantastic and well down worth travelling to experience. There was a great amount of useful and constructive information on the tuning forks lecture and the other workshops were relative to my practice. The hotel was lovely and I will love be coming back next year. Thank you for such an amazing experience.”
Susan – “Thank you so much for making my first conference such an enjoyable time. It certainly won't be my last!”
Vivienne – “Thank you again to you and all the other volunteers for such an amazing Conference! It was absolutely wonderful!!!”
Blu - “A wonderful time shared, full of heart, fun and laughter! Thanks everyone!”
Anita - “Another fantastic weekend. The hotel and food were amazing, as were the staff. All the tutors were excellent also.”
Joan - “Thanks for a wonderful weekend. I really appreciated all the workshops and talks I attended and have come away feeling uplifted as well as finding pleasure in my own name for the first time.”
Elaine - “Perfect weekend; old friends and new, wonderful healing sound!”
Judy - “This was my first conference and I was, however, completely enchanted by the whole event. An extremely well organised event in an excellent venue that still managed to feel wonderfully spontaneous.”
Linda - “Wow - the orbs of light in the final photos, what a beautiful weekend. Thank you so much.”
June - “It is so lovely to meet friends old and new, we are blessed to belong to such a wonderful college. May it continue for many years to come a beautiful sound community.”
Linda - “What an absolutely amazing and wonderful gift that you and your supporters created. It was truly stunning.”
Masha - “Thank you for another wonderful conference, it has been one of the most enjoyable ones for me. It is hard to offer specific feedback as everything I took part in was excellent, a joy and honour to be part of such a talented, creative and loving community.”
Pam - “Without a doubt the best Sound Conference to date, many thanks to all the WonderFull speakers and participants ~ Lovely energy which just built and built the whole weekend, just a shame it all ended so quickly!”
Sarah - “A beautiful weekend of healing sound!”
Shirley - “Ah I absolutely loved this ritual that we did today. It felt electric walking through the shaker tunnel, magical! Thank you xxxx”
Steph - “Such an incredible weekend! Thank you to everyone for welcoming me into your big sound family!”
Sue - “It certainly was a really wonderful conference and even better than usual if such a thing is possible - truly the gift that keeps on giving! Always such a joy to be all together.”
Trixi - “Lovely photos and it was a wonderful conference.”
Sarah - “Thank you so much for the conference - it was my first COSH Conference and the most exquisite experience. I completely enjoyed all of it. The only problem I had was having to choose three workshops out of the nine - I wanted to go to them all!”
Gaynor - “I loved the weekend it is special and valuable. I loved the stands to shop and hear instruments played, all very colourful and inspiring.”
Helen - “The conference was fab!”
Mary - “Particularly valuable to me were the Sunday workshops, starting with Chi Gong - a lovely calm release.”
Anne - “This felt like a very special conference; the atmosphere was gentle and homely. The presenters directed their gifts to our heart.”
Pippa - “What a wonderful weekend! Thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.”
Renate - “It was an interesting and enjoyable experience for me to attend. Such a multitude of interesting things to learn and experience in the various workshops and in connecting with so many interesting people, everybody teaching me a lot.”
Hara - “This was my first time at the Sound Healing conference and I absolutely LOVED IT! The workshops that I took part in were wonderful, the facilitators were warm, friendly, capable and knew their stuff. The experiences that I had were deep and beautiful and really moved me. The venue is lovely, the food was good, plentiful and most appropriate for vegetarians as well as omnivores. I will definitely be back next year.”
Jane - “Venue - excellent! The staff at the hotel were really helpful, polite and courteous. The food was simply delicious and I consumed far too much! It took me a while to find my way about but that added to the excitement and fun of the weekend.”
Patricia - “The food was excellent. As a gluten free person I had been most concerned about contamination protocols. Need not have worried it was fine. People mixed and chatted and I never felt a loner. The concert was sublime. I was so lucky to be on the front row so it was like a master class of teaching! A fantastic experience. Well done everybody for their hard work. I will definitely come back next year.”
Conference Keynote Speaker Nikki Slade Part One
Conference Keynote Speaker Nikki Slade Part Two
Kirtan with Nikki Slade
visit our youtube channel for more college videos
Conference Keynote Speech by Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino
Visit the College YouTube Channel to view this as a playlist in seven parts
Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino, Group Toning
Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino, Hi Mor' Blessing
Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino Altai Magtaal mix
Candida Valentino’s Vocal Sounding
Lucy Crisfield Presentation 2022
Opening Ceremony Chrys Blanchard Part 1
Opening Ceremony Chrys Blanchard Part 2
Opening Ceremony Chrys Blanchard Part 3
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 1
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 2
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 3
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 4
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 5
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 6
Eileen McKusick Main Presentation Part 7
Eileen McKusick Tuning Fork Demonstration Part 1
Eileen McKusick Tuning Fork Demonstration Part 2
Eileen McKusick Group Chakra Clearing Part 1
Eileen McKusick Group Chakra Clearing Part 2
Eileen McKusick Group Chakra Clearing Part 3
Steven Ash & Renata Ash Workshop Part 1
Steven Ash & Renata Ash Workshop Part 2
Closing Ceremony Simon Heather Part 1
Closing Ceremony Simon Heather Part 2
Closing Ceremony Simon Heather Part 3
click on the photos below to view full-size versions
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