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The College of Sound Healing
Training and Workshops

Other Practitioner Training Courses

Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training Course

This two weekend course is designed for people who are already practising Sound Healing or other healing therapies. It is based on Traditional Native American methods of healing which involves working with Power Animals, Drumming, Offering, Prayer and Helping Spirits. Twelve Shamanic Healing sessions must to be completed to gain your Shamanic Healing Practitioner certificate.

We Will Cover :

  • Cleansing Rituals
  • Shamanic Drumming
  • Power Animal Retrieval
  • Soul Retrieval Healing
  • Rattle Healing
  • Medicine Wheel
  • The Seven Sacred Directions
  • Creating Sacred Space
  • Intrusion Healing
  • Sacred Chants and Prayers
  • Distant Shamanic Healing
  • Code of Ethics for Shamanic Practitioners

Weekend One:

Understanding the Medicine Wheel
Shamanic Drumming
Power Animal Retrieval
Soul Retrieval Healing
Sacred Chants and Prayers

Weekend Two:

Intrusion Healing
Soul Energy Release
Rattle Healing
Sacred Chants and Prayers
Distant Shamanic Healing


A Comprehensive Manual is Provided.
You will need to bring your own Drum and Rattle - we recommend 16” Remo Buffalo Drums.

Qualification Requirements:

To gain your Shamanic Healing Practitioner Certificate you need to attend both Training Weekends and complete 12 case studies.


It is recommended that students have insuance cover while they are doing their case studies. Cover is available for £46.81 a year.

Course Cost:

Each Weekend will cost £375 in the London and Brighton areas, £325 for the rest of the UK.

The total cost of the course will be £750 in the London and Brighton areas, £650 for the rest of the UK.

To Book:

To book your place on this course please download and complete this booking form and send it to the course Tutor.

Sound Healing With The Ocean Drum Practitioner Course


The Sound Healing with the Ocean Drum Practitioner Diploma Course is a training course held over five modules within the period of one year. Each module is divided into two full day workshops and are taught in succession to provide a supportive structure to gradually build your knowledge and experience.

Completion of this training will give you the information, knowledge and tools required to become a specialist Sound Healing With The Ocean Drum Practitioner. The course is certified by the College of Sound Healing and is evaluated and approved by the CMA (Complimentary Medical Association) and the TSA (Therapeutic Sound Association).

To begin this journey, you will birth your own personal ocean drum, spending time connecting with the waters of the world, building connections within. You will learn a braiding technique and explore the sounds and vibrations of your own ocean drum to create a unique drum that is an extension of you.

Connecting deeply with the water within you and reawaken the healing potential within yourself and society. You will be encouraged and supported to develop a dedicated self-healing practice, gaining a deep, personal, understanding of yourself as a shamanic healer, working with the oceans of the world.

You will then embark on learning and developing a person-centred guided and somatic approach for your own and if you wish, future clients active healing. You will learn techniques to create a safe container, guiding and encouraging your clients to become empowered to explore, heal and balance.

All modules and assignments must be completed for the full Ocean Drum Healing Practitioner Diploma. There is an option for a certificate of attendance for those not wishing to become a practitioner.

All materials for creating your own ocean drum are included, as well as comprehensive course notes and supporting documents. You will also have the opportunity to join our online group for additional support and guidance during and beyond the course.

The training is offered exclusively in the UK, based on in-person experiential training with support between modules from highly experienced Tutors.

Core Curriculum

Module One: Introduction to sound healing with an ocean drum

Day One
Topic First steps into shamanic practice; Introducing medicine wheel; Honouring, calling in and working with energies to create your medicine ocean drum.
Learning Objectives
  • To gain an understanding of a medicine wheel and how that relates to practicing sound healing.
  • To learn how to open a medicine wheel and create sacred space.
  • To learn what is a medicine ocean drum and what it means to you.
  • Understand the importance of honouring and working with the energies involved in creating your medicine ocean drum.
Day Two
Topic Birthing your medicine ocean drum begins - Stage 1 making your medicine ocean drum, cutting skin, preparing hoop and first lacing.
Learning Objectives
  • To learn how to make a medicine ocean drum.
  • To learn the medicine messages your ocean drum will hold for you and the people you will work with.
  • To learn practical care for your ocean drum.

Module Two: Birthing your medicine ocean drum

Day One
Topic Completion of your medicine ocean drum – Lacing with your own medicine cord, contents and decoration.
Learning Objectives
  • To learn the importance of flow and release, creating purity in your medicine ocean drum.
  • To understand the relationship and medicine of the contents of your medicine drum.
  • To explore decoration and personal design for your medicine ocean drum.
Day Two
Topic Healing begins with self – Principles of self-healing with your medicine ocean drum, active listening, building connections with self and your medicine ocean drum.
Learning Objectives
  • Learn how to heal yourself with your medicine ocean drum.
  • Understand the connections and felt sense with your medicine ocean drum.
  • Understand requirements for assignments.

Module Three: Sound, vibration and movement as medicine and understanding the healing process – Practitioner led

Day One
Topic Caring for your drum, creating safe space, clients choosing contents for their medicine drum, building connections.
Learning Objectives
  • Learn how to care for drum.
  • Learn how to create safe space when working with clients.
  • Learn how to complete case studies, requirements, insurance, legal and professional practices, suitable clients of case studies.
  • Learn about using specific plant medicine with their ocean drum tailored to the client.
Day Two
Topic 1-1 healing theory and practice – Practitioner holding the ocean drum principles and practice.
Learning Objectives
  • Building knowledge and understanding of the Medicine Wheel.
  • Learn the importance of and different techniques to create safe space.
  • Learn how to give 1-1 ocean drum healing holding the ocean drum.

Module Four: Sound, vibration and movement as medicine and understanding the healing process – Client led

Day One
Topic 1-1 healing theory and practice – Client holding the ocean drum principles and practice.
Learning Objectives
  • Building knowledge and understanding of the Medicine Wheel.
  • Gaining and deepening knowledge of 1-1 ocean drum healing through the shared experiences of participants.
  • Learn the principles and practical application of the person-centred approach.
  • Learn the theory of sensorimotor movement application to the ocean drum.
  • Experience sensorimotor movement ocean drum healing on self.
Day Two
Topic 1-1 healing theory and practice – Client holding the ocean drum principles and practice.
Learning Objectives
  • Learn how to give 1-1 ocean drum healing with the client holding the ocean drum.
  • Build knowledge of practical application of sensorimotor movements with the ocean drum.
  • Learn issues and how to deal with them in a client session.

Module Five: Graduation and advanced practices

Day One
Topic Including ocean drum healing in group sound baths, self-assessment, practical assessment.
Learning Objectives
  • Learn how to apply the techniques covered so far in a group sound bath setting.
  • Self-assess own abilities, strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Gain feedback from practical assessment, strengths and celebration of achievement.
Day Two
Topic Moving forward and support, graduation ceremony.
Learning Objectives
  • Understand opportunities of continued professional development.
  • Understanding membership of the College of Sound Healing and requirements moving forward.
  • Embracing, honouring and celebrating success.

Course Details

Diploma Requirements and Assessment:

Home study will be given after each module to support and extend your knowledge and experience. For those wishing to attain practitioner status and work with clients, case studies and a practical assessment must be competed. All assignments and case studies need to be completed for the full accreditation. Those studying for self-development and healing are not required to complete the case studies and will be awarded a certificate of attendance. Case studies and assignments are spread throughout the course to support your learning, with clear guidance, feedback and support given.

  • Practical evaluation in module 5 in which participants give an ocean drum healing.
  • 24 client case studies will need to be carried out and written up.
  • 3 personal development case studies.
  • 2 assignments (2,000 words or equivalent).


The Sound Healing With The Ocean Drum Practitioner Training Course consists of five modules, ten workshops, over a 12 month period.

  • UK - £1100.00
  • London Area - £1375.00
  • Or the cost for each module will be £220 in the UK / £275 in the London Area.

Early bird discounts may be available, please see individual Tutor pages for more details. Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.


It is recommended that students have insurance cover whilst undergoing the Practitioner Training and working with others. Practitioners who already have insurance cover may be able to add Sound Healing with the Ocean Drum to their existing policy at no extra charge. Further details and support will be given.

Earth Path Sacred Drumming and Ceremony Birth Keeper Practitioner Training

‘Earth Path Sacred Drumming and Ceremony Birth Keeper Practitioner Training' is a course that guides you in supporting your birthing family clients. The course draws on Shamanism, our Celtic past and the gifts of Mother Earth. The training course involves ceremony, Shamanic journeys, energy work, and grounding rituals.

As a doula, you are a gatekeeper, a space holder. The Birth Keeping Practitioner Training will allow you to offer more than just physical birth support. You will be working with your clients in supporting them through their birth as the rite of passage.

The course will allow you hold a Sacred Space as well as dealing with the physical aspects of the birth process.

This is a training course for birth keepers who are familiar with supporting birth. The course will be just under a year long, and will include mentoring. The mentoring will involve shamanic practices and ceremonies that you can include this as part of your support for birthing families.

The Earth Path Sacred Drumming and Ceremony Birth Keeper Practitioner Training Course is a certified course with CMA (Complementary Medical Association) and accepted by the College of Sound Healing.

Weekend One – Self Connection

Sacred space
Your spirituality
Your connection to within and around
The importance of your own practice for self care
Self care for clients
How a drum can augment your connection

The four directions, four elements from Celtic roots
Setting sacred space and altar creation
The wheel of the year - the wheel for birth
Deity connection
Ancestor connection
Spirit animal allies

Homework – daily / regular self-practise for grounding. Case studies to connect within to ancestors, power animal and deities for inner support.

Weekend Two – Antenatal Support and Birth Preparation

Energy body of pregnancy – Celtic view point
Babys soul and when does It enter
Feeling energy / seeing energy / use of pendulum
Drum Healing

Drum journeys for birthing parent and baby
The gifts from the middle world, the directions, elements
Assessments - journeys and energy sensing with drum

Homework – case studies - drum journeys, energy sensing with pendulum healing and drum.

Weekend Three – Birth is a Ceremony

Birth as a ceremony – a rite of passage
Setting up the birth space for the birthing ceremony
Protecting the birth space
Honouring spirits of place, the four directions
Water blessing
Mother's blessing ceremony (day 1)

Energy of birth
Drumming through birth – techniques, reasons, and feeling space
Working in hospital – and home with space holding
Working alongside health care professionals
Calling in the baby’s spirit

Homework - Case Studies – Holding a Blessing Ceremony and drumming with women in pregnancy and birth.

Weekend Four – Postnatal Support and Ceremony

Energy of postpartum
Relationship of mum and baby
Grounding ceremony
Placenta burial
Breast milk rituals

Blood ritual
Baby loss – ceremony for baby loss and supporting parents
Boundaries with clients
Assessment of holding a ceremony

Homework – Case Studies sensing energy postpartum. Ceremony for grounding baby energy and placenta burial.

Weekend Five – Ceremony and Assessments – tying everything together

Recap of the year and assessments

A rite of passage ceremony for students completing the course

Course work

36 case studies which can be - journey work, healing, ceremony holding, and drumming through birth.

  • Essay on working with drum through pregnancy, birth and beyond
  • Essay on space holding, or ceremony
  • Written work on reflections of self-growth as a doula through the course

Each weekend students will get written notes on the subjects presented and written guidance.

Optional weekends of making a drum and rattles, are running through the year. All my deer skin is now fully prepared by myself from a local Sussex farm from deer that roamed the Sussex countryside.

A bit about Eva:

Eva is a Tutor with the College of Sound Healing, and has been on a path exploring various shamanic, and pagan facets of life for her adult life. Eva has been training in Sacred Drumming and Shamanic Healing practices for seven years, and trained to become a Tutor with the College of Sound Healing. Eva has been a doula for seven years, and a pagan celebrant for five.

Eva is a mum of four children and uses shamanic practices within her own work as a doula. Eva has created this course through her own experiences as Eva found the path had not been yet fully forged for birth keepers in working with the drum and shamanic practices in such a deep way for birth keepers.

And so this course was born...

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