Caroline Seyedi - Tutor Chrys Blanchard
Craig Dickson - Tutor Sue Pready
Kate Clyant - Tutor Chrys Blanchard
Claire Marie Barton - Tutor Chrys Blanchard
Andrea Salvatore - Tutor Paul Benham
Ali Gunning - Tutor Paul Benham
Lorraine Lockyer - Tutor Paul Benham
Melanie Lagoutte - Tutor Ruby Larimar
Ria Smith - Tutor Ruby Larimar
Charlotte Boyd - Tutor Petra Jean Phillipson
Brandon, Jordan Gregory - Tutor Ruby Larimar
Jean Hammond - Tutor Steven Ash
Eva Greenslade - Tutor Steven Ash
Aoife Brown - Tutor Steven Ash
Debbie Sissman - Tutor Steven Ash
Anita Das - Tutor Steven Ash
Sarah Maturin-Baird - Tutor Steven Ash
Judy Crockford - Tutor Rob & June Dickerson
Diana Nash - Tutor Rob & June Dickerson
click on a workshop / tutor below to view / hide detailed feedback closeAll and testimonials:
"I was blessed to received sound healing. It has given me a chance at life I never thought was possible."
"After 8 years bedbound, 14 years mostly house bound, 2 types of morphine and 14 years taking oramorph and many other medications, because of sound healing I finally have a chance to have an actual life. I still have issues but compared to how I was before June 2024 it truly is night and day."
"I will always be the biggest advocate for how magical, life changing and life saving sound healing is. With the deepest thanks and the most beautiful gratitude, love and light."
click on a workshop / tutor below to view / hide detailed feedback closeAll and testimonials:
Gong Intensive Workshop with Sheila Whittaker
Himalayan Bowl Workshop with Rob and June Dickerson
Introduction to the Gong with Sheila Whittaker
Magical Resonance of Celtic Sounds Retreat with Paul Benham
Tuning in to Sound and Story Workshop with Sue Pready
click on a student's name below to view / hide their testimonial:
I think the most important thing I got out of the course was to learn that I have an innate ability to heal. There was a lot of encouragement on the course to feel rooted and confident about ones healing gifts. Through the practice sessions, the course helped me to realise that I really love healing work, and find it a very rewarding and uplifting part of my life. The course also helped me to see that healing work can be deeply rooting for myself as well as the one being healed. Most of all, it was a wonderful joy to share with other people in the realisation that sound and one's own voice could be used for healing in such a therapeutic way.
It was a real wonder to learn about the voice as a sacred tool for healing. It has given me so much strength to learn how to direct and focus the voice for healing, and to use it as a fine precision tool for imbalances in the body and etheric bodies. I felt on the course, and still feel, that we were asked to trust the practice of Sound Healing. It still amazes me, that such a simple thing of sounding over the body can bring such deep relaxation and healing to people. I needed to trust my instincts and focus on the unseen, what I could hear rather than see. The session work we did has really helped me to be more present with others and focused on the healing process. I am still working on trusting my instincts in each treatment I do.
I really enjoyed doing the case studies at home. Although at first it was a bit daunting, by part four I felt very confident while doing the treatments. I felt that the treatments were very rewarding. Not only did they give the client a lot of extra energy, but I found that I was receiving a boost of energy each time I did a session. I noticed that after a treatment on a client, I would generally feel really well, as if I had just had a treatment for myself. It seemed like a win win situation.
The chanting that we learned on the course has been really great for me. Working with the Chakra Chanting CD has improved my health, and kick started me on the road to cleansing my chakras. It has also cleared and strengthened my singing voice. I think it has taught me to trust my own singing voice, as a powerful bringer of light and healing. The course has reviewed my whole outlook on music and singing. To me music seems enshrined in beneficence. I can't help approaching it now as an art form of sacred giving and healing. I feel more strongly now how it transcends barriers, and acts as a beacon of love. These feelings about music have really developed and strengthened in me since doing the Sound Healing course.
The harmony and music theory part of the course was also an eye opener. I got more understanding of harmony in this course than all my music theory classes at school put together. I found this part of the course fascinating, and really think that the work we did on intervals, cymatics and harmony should all be part of the basic principles of Music Theory in schools. I would love to do more work on these subjects as an extra module.
I felt really supported during the course. The course encouraged us to feel that everyone can sing, and that each person's voice is unique and has its own beauty and strength. I felt that the course created a very loving environment to learn in. Everyone was welcome, and I liked the way we were assessed at each term. I liked the way that the course was structured. There was a lot of time to explore the subjects we had worked on at each workshop, and the work was easy to fit in with ones normal working life. The setting was lovely, and everyone was really welcoming.
I feel the course has helped me to strengthen and re-energise the spiritual aspect of my life. I feel it has grounded me a lot, and given me more direction and clarity in furthering and developing my capabilities in the healing arts. I am glad that there is a firm group of people supporting the College, and having a Sound Healing Conference each year is a great idea for would be Sound Healers to keep in the loop.
Sound Healing, I think, is a fascinating subject to learn. I feel that it is just the beginning of a therapy with much to give. There seems to be a lot more that we can learn in Sound Healing, perhaps not just as a therapy, but its role in society at large. I am really interested in the work people are doing with Sound Healing in schools and hospitals. I think that with more scientific research into the subject, and people's intuitive guidance in music and sound, we will see Sound Healing developing and gaining in popularity in the community at large.
I started this course with no expectation other than just to be part of sacred sound again. To maybe feel that calmness and clarity I had felt years previously. I had no real idea what was going to happen so I came to the course with a open heart and mind.
I started this course a different person to what I am now. I have grown and expanded. I think I am testament to how this course can balance yourself, mentally and physically and in turn develop you spiritually. My own personal development has been an interesting one. Sound has helped me become more authentic I really feel like I am truly myself again. I have spent many years suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Using sound to help me keep balanced has been a revelation that I excitedly can't wait to share with people. I am now able to do things in my life again without fear.
Music has always been very close to my heart and now that sound is an integral part of my life I look at sound differently now. I feel, hear sound with a new ear. An ear with a new found awareness and knowledge. I sometimes feel this experience has unlocked something that has always been there, its just I could never find the words to express. I have started using sound as a daily practice and I have found I can radiate my new found inner calmness to people.
I know that due to the sound practice I have learnt on the course my own frequency and vibration has changed and will continue to change for the better. Something I'm very aware of is, I have this newly found intimate connection with my chakras and energy system. I believe this will lead to further development in the future. This most recent revelation has worked through the use of the Bija mantras as a daily practice.
I never really knew where this would take me or to what depth but I kind of knew this was right for me. It has helped dissolve any fear I had of looking within and has given me things to work with at my own soft and gentle pace.
Originally I enrolled for the Sound Healing weekend to get some idea of how I could use sound as a healing modality. I had been aware for a long time that sound could affect my frame of mind, both by enriching and changing the way I felt but I had no idea why.
On reflection it is difficult to identify what I enjoyed most on the introductory weekend after much thought it has to be the freedom to sound and sing both in my native tongue and in other spiritual traditions. It was wonderful to be able to sing with such a talented group of people: it uplifted the soul and removed much of the heavy weight of baggage that I carry around on my 'back', I was able to transport myself to a land of inner peace and tranquillity.
It was sheer joy sometimes just to listen to the vibration, feel the sheer energy being generated in the room and being able to rest in that very special quiet place which I understand to be my spiritual home which rests inside my soul. Having spent many hours practising meditation, I was so surprised that I could access this desired psychological state so quickly through sounding. I do not however feel the previous work had been wasted, perhaps finding sound was a necessary part of my spiritual journey.
It was important for me to carry on the practice after the weekend whether this was sounding with the 'Sounds of the Chakras' CD to access the chakras and my spiritual space, or chanting in other spiritual traditions on my way to work - to uplift a sometimes resistant and flagging energy towards Christmas. The change in me was instant and remarkable, I felt so different in so short a time.
My Reiki meditation practice has totally changed since the introductory weekend and now focuses on sounding and sending colours to the chakras. This transports me to a wonderful peaceful place and I am beginning to learn when one chakra needs more work because it is out of balance. I have also quietly started to sound the chakras during Reiki treatments for clients.
It is difficult to express in words the influence and power of the introductory weekend. There was much to assimilate and understand. The time was enhanced by a wonderful group of people. I was particularly impressed by the treatment demonstration and the charming way in which we sung someone's name to them. I have tried this myself and it is tremendously liberating as if the whole universe is singing.
Thanks to Part One of this course I have managed to piece together another part of the jigsaw of life. I have learnt a lot more about energy and vibrations. I have learned that it is possible to use sound to maintain and/or bring the body back into harmony. I learned that sound is a wonderful thing but that the silence between the sounds is just as precious in helping people heal. (The sound of silence)
Sound is vibration. Everything has vibration. Everything resonates. Once we can learn to free the voice we can bring ourselves into tune with others and the world around us. We can fit into the sound of the universe, the vibration of time itself.
By using sound we can find our own medicine for harmony within our lives and our minds and bodies. We all know how listening to music can be a soothing, healing process. But our own voice can also be used to help heal ourselves and others. Just by altering the way we deliver words, our "tone" can be a tonic.
There are many ways to use sound to heal. Laughter is a tonic; singing or chanting affirmations can plant a seed of positive thought within the very psyche of a person. But we can also use our voice like a scanner to "tune-in" to another human being. Using sound to find out where or how someone is out of tune- finding where dis-ease lies in the body simply by finding a "dis-chord".
We can then use various means and methods to intuitively "sing" to that body to help it find harmony. Just as a mother would sing a lullaby to a child. We can sing to the inner child within ourselves and others.
I realise that although I love chanting and using mantras in my yoga practice that I have shied away from using too much sound in my teaching. This is not because I feel uncomfortable with it but that I sense the discomfort of students when I ask them to chant or repeat mantras. I know now that I will thrust myself into this with confidence and lead the way so that the lack of self esteem in others is conquered.
I also learned that people singing together can be wonderfully powerful. Those stronger than others can help boost the energies of the weak just by opening their mouths and letting sound come out. You do not have to have a fab voice to sing or chant. Fake it 'til you make it.
Powerful sounds can come out in group work. Sounds which seem to be coming from deep within a person yet they resonate outwards to form a unity - a whole. During the chanting work I was amazed at the sound which seemed to be coming from me but then I realised that it was the harmonics of the group as a whole which were very powerful.
I learned that I am a person who is always in her head and I need a lot of grounding.
How Did the Course Effect Me
Profoundly. The first part of the course has made me passionate about sound healing and given me a desire to learn more and more about this fascinating topic. I know I am a sound healer. I have already delved into the world of touch therapy. I now want the knowledge about harmonics and music to be able to use my own intuitiveness to help heal others using varying sound techniques.
I love using my voice and singing. I have used the written word most of my life as a journalist and have written about music for decades. Now I want to use the harmonics of sound to help heal.
In Part One I was moved to tears several times and none more so than during the Ghanaian Chant. My emotions were taken on a roller coaster. I learned that my self esteem was pretty low. But the chanting work shot me to the heights of elation. During the laughter warm-up session I got rid of inhibitions and let go. I realised that I have been short of breath. Not breathing correctly and almost chopping my voice off half way through. I learned that I have not been talking my talk. Bottling things up and trying to please others before focusing on my own needs and health.
It was lovely to meet up again with the people from part one and I immediately felt a warm and loving connection. It was like returning home to a place of love, peace and familiarity. This feeling deepened throughout the weekend and is the lasting image I have of that time.
I really enjoyed the Heart Sound Meditation that we practised. It was really interesting to 'tune in' to my heart and to become aware of it, how it felt and of its needs. When we started to voice our heart sounds, I felt a little self conscious at first and was reluctant to make any sound but as we progressed with the meditation, it became perfectly natural to do so.
Prior to the course, I had been feeling a little down and depressed and had felt a knot of tension in my heart. This is something that I am aware of periodically and strive to alleviate through Reiki or chakra clearing/ breathing exercises-not always very successfully. However, with this meditation, I felt that I was connected to my heart on a much deeper level. With each sound that I uttered, I really felt my heart opening up and the tension dissipating. It was like the petals of a rose responding to the warmth of the sun. It was a joyous sensation and I felt like laughing and singing from the rooftop!
I was very excited to experience a sound healing treatment but also felt a little apprehensive when it was my turn to practise as I worried that I wouldn't be able to do it properly. My first partner was Liz and the whole experience both giving and receiving was really lovely, it felt comfortable and natural and neither of us seemed at all bothered by the intrusion of the alarm.
My second partner was Sarah and we both had very profound experiences both giving and receiving. I gave first and became totally absorbed in the procedure. I really found myself connecting with Sarah's needs.
Before Sarah gave me my treatment I'd agreed that it was ok to sing my name even though I don't particularly like it. It felt really strange at first to hear it and I felt disconnected and distant from it, almost as though it didn't belong to me. However, as Sarah continued to sound into my heart chakra and sing my name, it became a part of me and I found myself accepting it.
Then suddenly, I felt a physical jolt and a shift in my heart and the knot of tension/depression/unhappiness that had already eased somewhat in the Heart Sound Meditation went completely. I came around after the treatment and felt so alive and balanced as though I had just awoken from the best nights sleep ever.
It was fantastic to learn about and then to successfully conduct sound healing treatments over the course of the weekend. I felt as though I had found where I truly belonged and had really achieved a personal milestone. When I left on the Sunday evening, feeling confident and buoyed up by the whole experience, I felt as though I could have floated home on a cloud!
To receive a sound healing was a wonderful gift and opportunity to deepen my own personal healing process. It was the first time I have ever experienced a pure sound healing. I found the two healings I received were very different but they both illustrated to me the power of sound and the deep healing properties that are within the sound. I found the healings were very relaxing and although I was listening to the tones it seemed to be that I was able to access a much deeper part within where the sound was almost secondary.
I found the sound was absorbed within the body without always the ears having to listen, the sound is felt much deeper within the body's energy field than the physical level. The periods of silence were an amazing opportunity to allow a sense of stillness and deep relaxation within the body. I felt the silence with my whole body; it was much more than experiencing just the 'sound of silence'. The silence was the quietest I have memories off for a very long time, it was a deeply felt sense within the whole body. I could feel myself willing it to last for a long time.
I found the silence was a very important part of the healing to experience as a therapist as it can be difficult as the 'giver' to just sit and hold the silence for another person. I would normally feel that I was not doing enough by just sitting in the silence but as a Buddhist would say inaction is action. Whilst giving a sound healing I found the silence was a meditative opportunity and allowed me to hold the energetic space for the receiver. This is a really lovely gift to be able offer another person but also a gift to oneself. Sound healing seems to be a synergistic opportunity to give and be a channel but also to revitalise and grow as a therapist.
The course has had a very strong effect on me so far; I have found my menstrual cycle is slowly becoming much more in-tune with the full moon. I find the sound allows me to settle my energy back within my body and allow focus and silence within. It seems to open an avenue to a part deep within ones soul that can be so difficult to find with other forms of healing and treatment. A truly beautiful place to find.
In Part Two of the course I learnt of the guidelines to giving a basic sound healing, the way to commence a healing and how to finish one. I learnt how to set an intention before starting the healing and how to use intuition and to remember the adage that 'less is more'.
As an experienced healer with many years of practice I felt that the training was in the main supporting what I already did but in the context of the new and exciting medium of sound. In particular I liked the 'no rules' concept which allows freedom to use the training as one is intuitively led.
The practical sessions of giving and receiving healing on both days were invaluable. I received more than I could ever have imagined. The opening at the heart was almost overwhelming and the visual representations were quite dramatic.
The healing aroused a passion in me. However it was not about sex but about an awakening and was very much linked to the heart. Some might name it as a kundalini experience. I would prefer not to give it a label - rather say that it affected me at the deepest level of my being.
I knew that this had changed things. That it had altered my state of being. That my life was about to change as if I had been re-energised and re-born.
Since that time my life has indeed changed. As if by magic things started happening. I have a wonderful new job that I love and which compliments my healing and spiritual life in ways that every day astounds me. I am happier and more content than I have ever been in my life - and considering that only two years ago I was ready to die that is quite amazing. And things have just got better and better.
I put this all down to the work I have done and continue to do with sound.
What was my experience of the training weekend?
After the weekend, when I asked myself this, the following word immediately presented itself - "heart".
In my own personal healing journey, I have realised the sublime gentleness and power of my heart. I know that ultimately we all have a choice to heal ourselves; that we alone can do this, and that at times (especially when we are in despair), we feel we need the help of others. The sound healing for me is a way of enabling someone to find their truest hearts desire, and that ultimately that desire is their choice and their responsibility.
Having spent the past nine years practising and being taught various forms of energy work, particularly on myself, as a way for helping me to find a way of healing a serious condition, the sound healing technique taught to me was the first time I had utilised my own voice towards helping someone else. I would describe the sound healing practice as:-
"simple and profound"
In the past, I have used my voice in finding a way to help myself, particularly when grieving over the recent loss of my father. I was astonished at the way my body found the sounds to express itself - the sounds didn't sound like ones "I would make".
I knew from this, and have felt for some time, there must be a way for my "organic" instrument not only to be of help to myself, but also to be able to help others, but having never received a sound healing treatment before, I just did not know what to expect!
After being given instruction and a demonstration of sound healing, I gave my first treatment. I thought OK, I'll give this a whirl, but as for picking up by "tuning in" where someone's body may need help, well I wasn't too sure of that - "sounds a bit mystical to me" I thought. Apart from that, I thought "this treatment, if nothing else, is a way for someone to at least relax". I imagined I would find it a breeze
I couldn't have been more wrong. I was working on a lovely person who had told the group she had lost her father three week's ago. When I asked her to turn onto her back and I placed my hands under her body and tuned in with her heart, I found myself fighting back my own tears.
I realised I was not only helping her, but in sharing my heart with her I was also helping myself too. The next day when working on someone whose history I knew nothing at all about, I again found this "heart" practice all encompassing - so profound and touching. Again, I found myself feeling an urge to cry.
Even though this part of the treatment was only short, it was so powerful, proving to me the depth and potential of this practice. The "power" of the time immediately following this part of the healing session, where I spent time sitting with my client, quietly in silence was so profound too and I felt this gave the space and time for the healing to actually begin. This silence gave the opportunity for us both to go deep within, to bathe in deep relaxation, space and peace. Just to rest. It was wonderful.
I was grateful for having done some preparatory exercises on loosening my voice. It was very challenging to use my voice, to find my heart and share this very intimately with a person who I had never met before. It took a great deal of courage.
I felt myself falling between two stools - one of being all in the mind and one of no-mind. I knew I needed to let go of all my thoughts and judgements, and call on my gentleness, to make myself available to support my client, and to be "open to the moment" to enable this practice to weave its magic.
I felt the power of "intention" was fundamental in helping whatever it is my client wished to truly manifest. Without an intention, I would have been like a dead piece of wood (neither use nor ornament), and neither my client or myself would have benefited, suffice to say, they may have had a good lie down!
It was then my turn to receive a treatment. The sound given to my body was so soothing. I was able to totally relax and I found a lovely spacious place to rest within. I felt my body tingling and could have stayed lying still for a whole lot longer! The second treatment I received was different again.
This time the therapist had the courage to tone directly to my head area. A tone so high and pure, I felt a white light travel from my head to my feet; my energy just moved. This experience totally confirmed my belief in the power of sound.
So, all in all, I know my journey in sound healing is going to be challenging and also, I believe will help me in my own personal growth too.
It was good to be back with the people studying sound healing again. This time I felt that there was more of a chance to begin to get to know people and deepen our connections. It was also good to be back in the milieu of sound healing too.
The exercises made more sense this time. Having practiced them in the interim it was good to be able to revisit them and listen to the quality in his sound more closely. I also became aware of my increasing sensitivity to the energetic effects of sound. Particularly in my body.
I was also able to approach the exercises with more capacity to see their potential place in a daily practice. One particular thing I learnt was that the groaning was similar to the shaking out of the body in chi kung. This analogy helped me to comprehend the process of groaning very clearly.
Giving the healing was an important part of the training. I found that I began tuning in to the state of the person's energy. It was as if the sound healing modality was giving a framework to access intuitive perceptions of a person's state. I have long been aware of receiving these impressions but have never known what to do with them.
The sound healing modality gives me a way to structure and work with them and for this I am very grateful. I also found that whilst singing into the heart a very impersonal energy comes over me. I felt with one of the people that the creator was singing to her beloved child and for a few minutes I could see the person as the creator does. This was very beautiful.
Receiving the healing was very important. It helped me understand from the inside what it is like for a client. And it was very beautiful. After one healing I sat up and my spine felt free in a way it never had before. This helped me experience within my body how the sound healing can work on a physical level as well as an energetic level. It's also just beautiful to have someone singing to you.
All in all a very inspiring and healing time with a deepening of my experience of sound healing that has left me confident to go out and start my case studies.
I learnt that I love the sound of dissonance as well as harmony. That they both 'resonate' with me. There wasn't one interval that felt wrong or unfamiliar. I also had confirmed once again that my links with the East are profound and of a great age as there was such a real sense of 'coming home' when I heard the Indian Scale.
I also learnt how much I need to learn and absorb about sound and what a magnificent healing tool it is. I also learnt more about the tuning forks and how to use them.
The whole weekend was a continuing journey of discovery about myself, my relationship with others and confirmation of the beauty and profundity of sound.
Rather than 'learnt' it was certainly confirmed, once again, that following one's intuition and doing 'what feels right' in any given circumstance is more important than adhering strictly to rules.
Once again I had come to the course with a very specific intention of healing so what happened to me gives greater insight into how sound can be used on all levels.
During the day on the Saturday the healing had felt very energetic and quite blasting in its force. I knew from previous experiences that this was a portent of a transformation or transmuting of some sort.
At the healing on the Saturday another piece of the jigsaw 'fitted' into place when humour replaced consternation a realization for that moment of the simplicity of it all! And what fun it could all be.
On Saturday night I had a dream. It showed me aspects of myself that still needed to be shed. It was a disturbing experience as it came from very deep within and had been hidden for many years. It was linked to tremendous fear. It was (I hope) the last remnant of my ability to sabotage myself and my soul. Fear of loss and criticism.
On the Sunday I felt very vulnerable and sensitive. I described it as having shed a skin - like snake - and wanted to feel safe. I felt a great need to partner Trixy in the session and so approached her at the beginning of the day to ensure that this would be the case. The healing on the Sunday was much calmer and still. Integration is how I would name it. As though a veil had been removed and I now felt more comfortable in my new skin.
During the weekend I had also had digestive problems - bloating and bowel pain - as well as what felt like the onset of a bladder or kidney infection leading to frequent trips to the loo! During the Sunday the healing with both Trixy and Simon something 'moved' both energetically and physically. As if there had been a blockage. On the Monday I had a massive 'clean out'!!!! Quick, easy and safe!!!
The work I now find myself doing is definitely an integral part of that cleansing. I am now in a position where I can reach people that otherwise would not have crossed my path. People from all over the world and for the first time in my life I am integrating the spiritual side of my life with the mundane! It is all quite remarkable.
Giving the Sound Healing
Despite feeling nervous, I enjoyed giving the treatment. It helped that I was working which someone for whom I had a lot of respect.
I chose the "Sa Re Ga" treatment as this is (still) the one with which I am most comfortable. I am 99% certain that the fact that my voice broke up was due to nerves rather than something transmitted from my client.
During the first period of silence, I felt a great peace descend and surround my client.
During the second period, I became aware of a trauma affecting my client. During the third I felt a sense of resolution.
When I described my feelings to my client afterwards, she confirmed them all and told me that the trauma related to a childhood incident. I felt affirmed, knowing this.
Receiving the Sound Healing
This treatment continues to affect me today (two months later). My partner used the scanning method and singing of my name.
It seemed that it took tremendous courage to persevere. I felt that my partner became my mother and I know that the circumstances of my birth reflected this overpowering sense of trying to cope with something almost too difficult to bear.
It made me look very much more kindly upon my mother as someone who was able to carry on in spite of being in 'fight, flight or freeze' response following the trauma of a difficult pregnancy and birth. I am still aware of these emotions and they continue to generate compassion from me towards my mother. I feel enormously grateful towards my partner.
Lifting of Spirit
Following the treatment and for what remained of the weekend, I felt a lot lighter in mood. It seems that to be a Sound Healer, one needs to retreat deep into one's innermost self and discover 'Divine Simplicity'.
It is so 'right' that it should be EASY to deliver, in the same way that breathing is natural and easy and utterly straightforward. With the continued practice of sounding, I am becoming increasingly aware of what I like to call the 'Consciousness of God' upon one's breath. I find this is a lovely way to think of sounding/toning/singing.
Once again, the sound made when we were all giving and receiving healing was all- encompassing and full of heavenly beauty. However, it felt as though we were all in a very different space than we were when we gave our first treatments during workshop two.
There was a maturity and a sense of growth that enhanced the sheer power and magnificence of the soundings. There was a sense of purpose, of confidence and of certainty in the delivering of the healing.
I felt we had all accompanied each other on a journey. We had connected at a very deep level and found (and been able to give) love, compassion and understanding to each other.
For me, the time since Part Four has been a time of change and learning. It has been a period of deepening and developing my sense of trust and learning to respond to my intuition. I have also enjoyed deepening my connection with the elements which has supported me in this change.
I am profoundly thankful for both the whole experience of Part Four, but also in particular the opportunity I had to exchange a treatment with Annike, who was kind enough to point out that I am not trusting and following my intuition in my wider life!
With the awareness I have been fortunate enough to develop, that the clarity that comes out of the silence that follows the sound, is indeed the still small voice of truth, I have been able to find the courage to take the major step of quitting my current job, as well as making other less dramatic changes in my life.
Working with the Sanskrit sounds and elements with other people has also been a humbling and powerful experience that has further helped me to put trust in the intrinsic power of the process and keep my own short-comings out of the way.
I have found the whole process to be an extremely useful and simple way to tune in to another person's energetic and emotional state, allowing me to access and interpret information that can help them move forwards.
To finish then, the learning from Part Four for me has very much been a consolidation and confirmation of everything that went before. I have been privileged to renew my sense of connection and and trust and I currently feeling very content. Whatever the future holds, I am confident it will be more real and more authentic to me than the chapter I have just left behind.
Clarissa - A Look Back In Gratitude
The candle in the room shone brightly celebrating the ending of one journey and the beginning of another. I looked around at the faces in the room that had enriched my sound healing voyage for the last twelve months. Life is strange. Originally I had only enrolled for the introductory weekend to learn how to sound the chakras... but I was drawn to both the notion of sound healing and the energy of the group. It was a pleasant and safe place to learn. It hadn't mattered either that I had no musical talent - all I needed was to be able to make sounds.
Every weekend was a heaven of joy and spiritual renewal as we explored different sound healing techniques, practised them in between workshops, bonded closer as a group and effectively became vibration friends. The course was a good balance of theory and practice, with the opportunity to explore topics of particular interest, through the College's additional modules scheme.
During the final weekend of the course we learnt how to set up a practice, the relationship between sound and colour and how to release pain in the sound healing process.
It was a privilege to be taught by Simon, a man of many talents, who enthusiastically imparted his knowledge to the group. Often it was just good to share his calm space.
I looked into the candle frame reviewing all the blessings I had received during the last twelve months from the College of Sound Healing, the greatest of these were the confidence to work intuitively and trust my heart.
And so to the next stage of the journey, with the knowledge I am well supported with telephone numbers and an excellent College website.
Do you remember on our last weekend in December you taught us a healing which involved the patient releasing the sound of pain. You used me as a guinea pig and worked on my very painful shoulder.
Well since that day to this my shoulder has got better and better. I have almost no pain now and have almost full range of motion. Before that day I had been in a lot of pain for about 6 months and had been told I would need a steroid injection as the only course of treatment. Thank you so much for the healing.
Ian: "We did some practical exercises to recap some of what we learnt on the course. We also did some different exercises and meditations, including laughter therapy in pairs, connecting to earth and self exploration/expression through sound and movement. They were surprisingly powerful and made the day very valuable to me. I purchased a copy of the new Drones CD and it is superb."
Contact the College on 0333 012 6555
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Alexandra: "A wonderful experience covering all the necessary tools a person needs to become a sound healing practitioner. The emphasis is on the practical side which for me was so important as to be a practitioner one needs to learn how to ‘practise’. It was a year of enlightenment!"
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