Drumming Practitioner Training Dates

AOIFE BROWN · Sussex - East

Laughton Lodge, Common Lane, Laughton, Lewes, Sussex - East, BN8 6BY.

Module Two — 7th / 8th September 2024

Module Three — 26th / 27th October 2024

Module Four — 23rd / 24th November 2024

Module Five — 11th / 12th January 2025


Laughton Lodge is a co-housing community in the East Sussex countryside, with 23 acres of land overlooking the South Downs and close to the sea. There is a natural spring and it is a beautifully peaceful setting for all of the animals living there. The ethos of the community is based on respect and sustainability. A beautiful place with a creative energy to learn, laugh, and connect with nature. 

There are very reasonably priced simple rooms available in Laughton Lodge itself and a large car park. There are plenty of other accommodation options in the area and many places of beauty and interest nearby. 

Sound Healing with the Drum Practitioner Course:

Aoife and Sandie (both qualified Sacred Drumming Tutors trained by Steven and Renata Ash) look forward to welcoming you onto this year long course where you will dive deeply into connection with your drum, nature and your Spirit within. You will be learning how to give Sound Healing sessions with the drum, but also go on a deep journey of self-healing in the process.

Full details of requirements and prerequisites are on this page: https://www.collegeofsoundhealing.co.uk/curriculum_drum_healing.php.

However, the main prerequisite is an open heart and a sense of adventure. We work in Sacred Circle and we are all one in the circle.

Frame drums:
We would love you to come on a workshop with us first, to birth your own Shamanic frame drum which is a powerful and meaningful experience in itself. Alternatively, you may wish to use your own drum (subject to tutor approval).

The Course:

Over the five modules, working with the Medicine Wheel, smudging herbs, animal and plant allies, stone people, and journeying practice, you will strengthen your spiritual relationship with the world around you and become centred and grounded in your body.

As you practice sound healing with drum and rattle, feather work, and group drumming, you will gain confidence in the power of sound and shamanic tools to heal and transform.

All modules and assignments must be completed for the fully accredited Sound Healing With The Drum Practitioner Diploma. A certificate of attendance will be awarded to those not wishing to become a practitioner.

Course Fee: £1,100 which includes all course materials and light refreshments. A non-refundable deposit of £250 on booking secures your place.

Times: Saturday 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday 10 am - 4 pm

Please contact Aoife Brown or Sandie Alderman (Tel: 07834 208550) for more details or to book your place.

            We very much look forward to drumming with you in our circle!

For more details or to book visit Aoife's website or contact Aoife by email or phone on 07704539394.

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