Online Virtual Workshop Dates

Ruby Larimar

How To Run Group Sound Bath Workshop

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Deliver a Sondbath

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Qualification Gained: There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

Cost and Duration: £180.00 Two Day - 10.30am - 4.30 pm Both days

Qualification Gained: 12hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Crystals and Sound - Working With Crystals Using The Keys Of Sound

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This two day workshop is a mixture of practical teachings and experiential meditations as we Journey into the metaphysical properties of crystals, using the keys of sound to link us to the secret dimensions of the crystal kingdom only accessed using the key of sound.

The teachings from this weekend will provide knowledge and wisdom of how to combine working with crystals and sound in a safe and effective way for yourself and your clients and learning how to activate the full potential healing power of working with crystals and Sound.

This workshop is Taught by Cosh tutor Ruby Larimar who is a qualified Crystal Therapist and an accredited member of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healers Organization), she will be joined by Alan West who is a Crystal Therapist with VCCT, Spiritual and Energy Medicine teacher with CHF, a Sound Healer with Cosh and a Shamanic Practitioner and together they will be bringing over 30 years of knowledge and wisdom of the crystal kingdom to share with the group and look forward to meeting you on the weekend.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • Learning how to Cleanse and Dedicate and Activate Crystals
  • Learning how to Combine Sound Healing with Crystals
  • Learning Crystal Layouts to use on the body
  • How to create Sacred Geometry Grids using Crystals
  • Technique's to heal and balance the Energy Body by removing blockages using Crystals and Sound
  • Learning how to Create Crystal Elixirs and infusing them with the energy of Sound
  • Learning Crystal Systems and Structure
  • Each participant attending the workshop will receive a crystal kit worth over £50 and Crystal Elixirs, these will be posted to you in advance of the Virtual Classroom to ensure you have them available for the workshop
  • Learn How to build a Basic Effective Crystal Tool Kit
  • The Role of Intention in Sound and Crystal Healing


  • This Workshop is open to participants who have experience of Healing receiving or giving
  • For personal or professional development
  • Open to all who are interested in learning how to work with crystals in a safe way and combining them with sound
  • This workshop counts towards one of your additional workshops for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training
  • This workshop will provide a 14hrs CPD certificate
  • You will Receive a Cosh Attendance Certificate

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

“On entering Holistic Ruby workshop Space you are greeted with warmth and kindness entering into her magical crystal lined temple “ – K Thorogood 2017'

Cost and Duration: £225.00 DATES 2021: 2nd & 3nd Oct 10am -5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CoSH CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Sonic Journey For The Soul - Light Language

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Light Language is a new paradigm system of spiritual communication and healing that we now have access to after entering the Aquarian Age. It consists of higher dimensional vowels and symbols that are sounded, drawn or signed that connect to us on the level of our soul.   

 This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn and explore the four different forms of Light Language, how we can connect with the Language of the Soul using the voice, how to interpret the information we receive and gain an understanding of the importance as to why healing ourselves on a soul level is paramount for our human evolution.

Using the dynamic frequencies of light, each participant of the group will experience the transcendence of duality where there is no separation, reconnecting us with our true essence of love.

You will personally experience healing on a DNA and Cellular level, to connect with our true Soul purpose. You will also receive activation's, connect and learn to use your own unique light language, to support the continued journey of the soul for both yourself and client


  • This Workshop is open to everyone.
  • This workshop counts towards your additional workshop hours for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training and CPD.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, give support to my students and healing sessions for my clients. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

" I love light language! I've experienced it before and felt drawn to this course. This course gave us the opportunity to learn various ways we can channel light language and to find a best way we can connect with it. It was a weekend filled with deep healing, learning and heart opening. " -  K Gutkowska 

Cost and Duration: £180.00 Two Days -10.30am to 4.30pm Both days

Qualification Gained: 12 hrs CPD certificate and a CoSH certificate of attendance on completion of the workshop

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Sonic journey for the soul - light language

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Light Language is a new paradigm system of spiritual communication and healing that we now have access to after entering the Aquarian Age. It consists of higher dimensional vowels and symbols that are sounded, drawn or signed that connect to us on the level of our soul.   

 This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn and explore the four different forms of Light Language, how we can connect with the Language of the Soul using the voice, how to interpret the information we receive and gain an understanding of the importance as to why healing ourselves on a soul level is paramount for our human evolution.

Using the dynamic frequencies of light, each participant of the group will experience the transcendence of duality where there is no separation, reconnecting us with our true essence of love.

You will personally experience healing on a DNA and Cellular level, to connect with our true Soul purpose. You will also receive activation's, connect and learn to use your own unique light language, to support the continued journey of the soul for both yourself and client


  • This Workshop is open to everyone.
  • This workshop counts towards your additional workshop hours for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training and CPD.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, give support to my students and healing sessions for my clients. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.



Cost and Duration: £180.00 Two Days - 10.30am -4.30pm both days

Qualification Gained: 12 hrs CPD certificate and a CoSH certificate of attendance on completion of the workshop

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How To Run Group Sound Bath Workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Qualification Gained: There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company


Cost and Duration: £180 Two Day - 10.30am - 4.30pm

Qualification Gained: 12hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Crystals and Sound - Working With Crystals Using The Keys Of Sound

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This two day workshop is a mixture of practical teachings and experiential meditations as we Journey into the metaphysical properties of crystals, using the keys of sound to link us to the secret dimensions of the crystal kingdom only accessed using the key of sound.

The teachings from this weekend will provide knowledge and wisdom of how to combine working with crystals and sound in a safe and effective way for yourself and your clients and learning how to activate the full potential healing power of working with crystals and Sound.

This workshop is Taught by Cosh tutor Ruby Larimar who is a qualified Crystal Therapist and an accredited member of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healers Organization), she will be joined by Alan West who is a Crystal Therapist with VCCT, Spiritual and Energy Medicine teacher with CHF, a Sound Healer with Cosh and a Shamanic Practitioner and together they will be bringing over 30 years of knowledge and wisdom of the crystal kingdom to share with the group and look forward to meeting you on the weekend.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • Learning how to Cleanse and Dedicate and Activate Crystals
  • Learning how to Combine Sound Healing with Crystals
  • Learning Crystal Layouts to use on the body
  • How to create Sacred Geometry Grids using Crystals
  • Technique's to heal and balance the Energy Body by removing blockages using Crystals and Sound
  • Learning Crystal Systems and Structure
  • Each participant attending the workshop will receive a crystal kit worth over £50 and Crystal Elixirs, these will be posted to you in advance of the Virtual Classroom to ensure you have them available for the workshop
  • Learn How to build a Basic Effective Crystal Tool Kit
  • The Role of Intention in Sound and Crystal Healing


  • This Workshop is open to participants who have experience of Healing receiving or giving
  • For personal or professional development
  • Open to all who are interested in learning how to work with crystals in a safe way and combining them with sound
  • This workshop counts towards one of your additional workshops for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training
  • This workshop will provide a 14hrs CPD certificate
  • You will Receive a Cosh Attendance Certificate

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

“On entering Holistic Ruby workshop Space you are greeted with warmth and kindness entering into her magical crystal lined temple “ – K Thorogood 2017'



Cost and Duration: £225.00 10am -5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CoSH CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Healing with the Voice (CoSH)®

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing is key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you.



Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last 8 years to deliver workshops, support to my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


11AM - 4PM Each Day


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing — 18th and 19th September 2021

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing — 9th and10th October 2021

Part Three : Music as Medicine — 11th and 12th Decemeber 2021

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 12th and 13th March 2022

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 28th and 29th May 2022



Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for each of the four treatments we learn on the training course and also for your final assessment.

The additional support will be delivered individually with each student and will take place at a mutually convenient time after the teaching of each weekend from part 2 to part 4.This will support the practical delivery of treatments where I can direct you individually and provide feedback so you can go out and deliver your case studies with confidence. Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training.


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance prior to Part 1 is £1,100 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £250. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can e-mail Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online or via the clickng the link to the course above copy and paste the URL links below into your browser

Cost and Duration: The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,100 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £250. 10.30AM - 4.30PM Each Day

Qualification Gained:CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate


Cost and Duration: £250 12.30pm 6.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice (CoSH)®

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing is key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last 8 years to deliver workshops, support to my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


12.30PM - 6.30PM Each Day


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing — 26th and 27th Febuary 2022

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing —  2nd and 3rd April 2022

Part Three : Music as Medicine — 2nd and  3rd July 2022

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 10th and 11th September 2022

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 10th and 11th December 2022


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for each of the four treatments we learn on the training course and also for your final assessment.

The additional support will be delivered individually with each student and will take place at a mutually convenient time after the teaching of each weekend from part 2 to part 4.This will support the practical delivery of treatments where I can direct you individually and provide feedback so you can go out and deliver your case studies with confidence. Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training.


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance to prior  is £1,100 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £250 . If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can e-mail Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online or via the clickng the link to the course above copy and paste the URL links below into your browser

Cost and Duration: The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,100 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £250. 12.30PM - 6.30PM Each Day

Qualification Gained: CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS Either good speakers or headsets

Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

Cost and Duration: £250 per module 12.30pm - 6.30pm

Qualification Gained: CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS Either good speakers or headsets

Sonic Journey for The Soul - LIght Language

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Light Language is a new paradigm system of spiritual communication and healing that we now have access to after entering the Aquarian Age. It consists of higher dimensional vowels and symbols that are sounded, drawn or signed that connect to us on the level of our soul.   

 This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn and explore the four different forms of Light Language, how we can connect with the Language of the Soul using the voice, how to interpret the information we receive and gain an understanding of the importance as to why healing ourselves on a soul level is paramount for our human evolution.

Using the dynamic frequencies of light, each participant of the group will experience the transcendence of duality where there is no separation, reconnecting us with our true essence of love.

You will personally experience healing on a DNA and Cellular level, to connect with our true Soul purpose. You will also receive activation's, connect and learn to use your own unique light language, to support the continued journey of the soul for both yourself and client


  • This Workshop is open to everyone.
  • This workshop counts towards your additional workshop hours for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training and CPD.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, give support to my students and healing sessions for my clients. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Cost and Duration: £180.00 10.30am -4.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 12 hrs CPD certificate and a CoSH certificate of attendance on completion of the workshop

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How to run group sound bath workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Cost and Duration: £180.00 10.30am -4.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 12hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Crystals and sound - working with crystals using the keys of sound

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This two day workshop is a mixture of practical teachings and experiential meditations as we Journey into the metaphysical properties of crystals, using the keys of sound to link us to the secret dimensions of the crystal kingdom only accessed using the key of sound.

The teachings from this weekend will provide knowledge and wisdom of how to combine working with crystals and sound in a safe and effective way for yourself and your clients and learning how to activate the full potential healing power of working with crystals and Sound.

This workshop is Taught by Cosh tutor Ruby Larimar who is a qualified Crystal Therapist and an accredited member of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healers Organization), she will be joined by Alan West who is a Crystal Therapist with VCCT, Spiritual and Energy Medicine teacher with CHF, a Sound Healer with Cosh and a Shamanic Practitioner and together they will be bringing over 30 years of knowledge and wisdom of the crystal kingdom to share with the group and look forward to meeting you on the weekend.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • Learning how to Cleanse and Dedicate and Activate Crystals
  • Learning how to Combine Sound Healing with Crystals
  • Learning Crystal Layouts to use on the body
  • How to create Sacred Geometry Grids using Crystals
  • Technique's to heal and balance the Energy Body by removing blockages using Crystals and Sound
  • Learning how to Create Crystal Elixirs and infusing them with the energy of Sound
  • Learning Crystal Systems and Structure
  • Each participant attending the workshop will receive a crystal kit worth over £50 and Crystal Elixirs, these will be posted to you in advance of the Virtual Classroom to ensure you have them available for the workshop
  • Learn How to build a Basic Effective Crystal Tool Kit
  • The Role of Intention in Sound and Crystal Healing


  • This Workshop is open to participants who have experience of Healing receiving or giving
  • For personal or professional development
  • Open to all who are interested in learning how to work with crystals in a safe way and combining them with sound
  • This workshop counts towards one of your additional workshops for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training
  • This workshop will provide a 14hrs CPD certificate
  • You will Receive a Cosh Attendance Certificate

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

“I really loved the course. I love both crystals and sound so to learn how to combine these two was great. We received just enough practical information about crystals to keep us interested and curious, but I especially loved the meditations with various crystals to get the information on how I could work with them and examples of crystals representing different elements. I think that can be a wonderful help when working with sound (and not only) to balance the chakras and elements in our body. I can totally recommend the course to sound therapist and as standalone workshop “ - K Gutkowska

“On entering Holistic Ruby workshop Space you are greeted with warmth and kindness entering into her magical crystal lined temple “ – K Thorogood 

Cost and Duration: £225.00 10.30am -4.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CoSH CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets For more details and booking information contact Ruby by email or phone on 07900 806574, or visit Ruby's website.

Sonic Journey for The Soul - Light Language

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Light Language is a new paradigm system of spiritual communication and healing that we now have access to after entering the Aquarian Age. It consists of higher dimensional vowels and symbols that are sounded, drawn or signed that connect to us on the level of our soul.   

 This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn and explore the four different forms of Light Language, how we can connect with the Language of the Soul using the voice, how to interpret the information we receive and gain an understanding of the importance as to why healing ourselves on a soul level is paramount for our human evolution.

Using the dynamic frequencies of light, each participant of the group will experience the transcendence of duality where there is no separation, reconnecting us with our true essence of love.

You will personally experience healing on a DNA and Cellular level, to connect with our true Soul purpose. You will also receive activation's, connect and learn to use your own unique light language, to support the continued journey of the soul for both yourself and client


  • This Workshop is open to everyone.
  • This workshop counts towards your additional workshop hours for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training and CPD.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, give support to my students and healing sessions for my clients. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

" I love light language! I've experienced it before and felt drawn to this course. This course gave us the opportunity to learn various ways we can channel light language and to find a best way we can connect with it. It was a weekend filled with deep healing, learning and heart opening. " -  K Gutkowska 

Cost and Duration: £250 10.00am -5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 12 hrs CPD certificate and a CoSH certificate of attendance on completion of the workshop

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Crystals and Sound - Working With Crystals Using The Keys Of Sound

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This two day workshop is a mixture of practical teachings and experiential meditations as we Journey into the metaphysical properties of crystals, using the keys of sound to link us to the secret dimensions of the crystal kingdom only accessed using the key of sound.

The teachings from this weekend will provide knowledge and wisdom of how to combine working with crystals and sound in a safe and effective way for yourself and your clients and learning how to activate the full potential healing power of working with crystals and Sound.

This workshop is Taught by Cosh tutor Ruby Larimar who is a qualified Crystal Therapist and an accredited member of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healers Organization), she will be joined by Alan West who is a Crystal Therapist with VCCT, Spiritual and Energy Medicine teacher with CHF, a Sound Healer with Cosh and a Shamanic Practitioner and together they will be bringing over 30 years of knowledge and wisdom of the crystal kingdom to share with the group and look forward to meeting you on the weekend.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • Learning how to Cleanse and Dedicate and Activate Crystals
  • Learning how to Combine Sound Healing with Crystals
  • Learning Crystal Layouts to use on the body
  • How to create Sacred Geometry Grids using Crystals
  • Technique's to heal and balance the Energy Body by removing blockages using Crystals and Sound
  • Learning how to Create Crystal Elixirs and infusing them with the energy of Sound
  • Learning Crystal Systems and Structure
  • Each participant attending the workshop will receive a crystal kit worth over £50 and Crystal Elixirs, these will be posted to you in advance of the Virtual Classroom to ensure you have them available for the workshop
  • Learn How to build a Basic Effective Crystal Tool Kit
  • The Role of Intention in Sound and Crystal Healing


  • This Workshop is open to participants who have experience of Healing receiving or giving
  • For personal or professional development
  • Open to all who are interested in learning how to work with crystals in a safe way and combining them with sound
  • This workshop counts towards one of your additional workshops for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training
  • This workshop will provide a 14hrs CPD certificate
  • You will Receive a Cosh Attendance Certificate

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

“I really loved the course. I love both crystals and sound so to learn how to combine these two was great. We received just enough practical information about crystals to keep us interested and curious, but I especially loved the meditations with various crystals to get the information on how I could work with them and examples of crystals representing different elements. I think that can be a wonderful help when working with sound (and not only) to balance the chakras and elements in our body. I can totally recommend the course to sound therapist and as standalone workshop “ - K Gutkowska

“On entering Holistic Ruby workshop Space you are greeted with warmth and kindness entering into her magical crystal lined temple “ – K Thorogood 2017'

Cost and Duration: £275 10.00am -5.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CoSH CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How to Run Group Sound Bath Workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Cost and Duration: £180.00 12.30pm 6.30pm Saturday & 10.30am - 4.30pm Sunday

Qualification Gained: 12hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice (CoSH)®

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing are key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and the multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you all soon.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over the virtual platform Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing — 24th and 25th September and 8th and 9th October 2022

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing —  5th and 6th and 19th and 20th November 2022

Part Three : Music as Medicine — 18th and 19th and 25th and 26th  February 2023

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 20th and 21st and 27th and 28th May 2023

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 16th and17thand 23rd and 24th  September  2023


I have reformated the course structure and times, both to make it appeal  to international students as well as ensuring it is delivered in a more relaxed, less intence fashion.

The course structre is still in 5 parts/modules, but these are extended over 2 weekends in 4 hour slots. A total of 16hrs over four days, as opposed to the 14hrs over 2 days. 

I have 3 time zones, 1 the Americas, 2 Western Europe and 3 Australasia 

The 1st time slot is 07.00AM - 11.00AM BST. For the Americas

The 2nd time slot is 12.00 noon - 16.00PM BST. For Western Europe

The 3rd time slot is  17.00PM - 21.00PM BST. For Australasia.

I have tried to set these times so we are working in the day time but you are welcome to join any time slot that works best for you. 


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, later on in the course,  which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for the Treatment we learn during the Part Two weekend and also for your final assessment after the Part Four weekend. The supervised treatment session will be carried out individually with each student after the Part Two weekend at a mutually convenient time. This will support the practical delivery of the Basic treatment where I can direct you personally and provide feedback so you can carry out your case studies with confidence.

In addition there will be two group support mentoring sessions delivered via Zoom after the Part 3 and Part 4 teaching weekend, this will take place at a mutually convenient time.The duration of these sessions will be 90mins.

Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training. A large part of the support for this course is done through the feedback process during your case studies where i give tips and pointers, and answer questions that you can act on during next case study. 


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can contact Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online, or via the clickng the link to the course above, copy and paste the URL links below into your browser


1. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

2. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant


Cost and Duration: The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,100 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £250. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below The course structure is still in 5 parts/modules, but these are extended over 2 weekends in 4 hour slots. A total of 16hrs over four days, as opposed to the 14hrs over 2 days. 

Qualification Gained: CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice (CoSH)®

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing are key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and the multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you all soon.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over the virtual platform Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing — 24th -27th Febuary 2023

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing —  21st - 24th April 2023

Part Three : Music as Medicine —  30th June - 3rd July 2023

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 8th - 11th September 2023

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 24th - 27th November 2023


I have reformated the course structure and times, both to make it appeal  to international students as well as ensuring it is delivered in a more relaxed, less intence fashion.

The course is still in 5 parts/modules, but these are extended over 2 weekends in 4 hour slots. A total of 16hrs over four days, as opposed to the 14hrs over 2 days. 

I have 3 time zones, 1 the Americas, 2 Western Europe and 3 Australasia 

The 1st time slot is 07.00AM - 11.00AM BST. For the Americas

The 2nd time slot is 12.00 noon - 16.00PM BST. For Western Europe

The 3rd time slot is  17.00PM - 21.00PM BST. For Australasia.

I have tried to set these times so we are working in the day time but you are welcome to join any time slot that works best for you. 


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, later on in the course,  which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for the Treatment we learn during the Part Two weekend and also for your final assessment after the Part Four weekend. The supervised treatment session will be carried out individually with each student after the Part Two weekend at a mutually convenient time. This will support the practical delivery of the Basic treatment where I can direct you personally and provide feedback so you can carry out your case studies with confidence.

In addition there will be two group support mentoring sessions delivered via Zoom after the Part 3 and Part 4 teaching weekend, this will take place at a mutually convenient time.The duration of these sessions will be 90mins.

Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training. A large part of the support for this course is done through the feedback process during your case studies where I give tips and pointers, and answer questions that you can act on during next case study. 


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,225 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £275. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can contact Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online, or via the clickng the link to the course above, copy and paste the URL links below into your browser


CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Certificate


1. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

2. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

Cost and Duration: £275 per unit A total of 16hrs over four days

Qualification Gained: Diploma

Technical Requirements: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube/Netflix, you will be able to access zoom. a cat 8 eathernet lead is adised if you have a problem with and the signal drops. EXTRA ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS either good speakers or headsets

How to run group sound bath workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Cost and Duration: £250 10.00am-5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How to run group sound bath workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

To Book Your Space there are two options:

1. To Book Online and Pay In full click on link above titled Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now. The Zoom link to access the workshop and practical information regarding the weekend itself will be emailed 14 days prior to the workshop date.

2.To request a manual booking form or to Discuss Potential Instalment Plan Options please contact Ruby directly  via Email 

Cost and Duration: £250 10.00am-5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing are key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and the multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you all soon.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over the virtual platform Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing —16th and 17th September 2023

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing — 4th and 5th November 2023

Part Three : Music as Medicine —24th and 25th February 2024

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 18th and 19th May 2024

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 14th and 15th September 2024


10.30am- 5pm Both Days


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, later on in the course,  which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for the Treatment we learn during the Part Two weekend and also for your final assessment after the Part Four weekend. The supervised treatment session will be carried out individually with each student after the Part Two weekend at a mutually convenient time. This will support the practical delivery of the Basic treatment where I can direct you personally and provide feedback so you can carry out your case studies with confidence.

In addition there will be two group support mentoring sessions delivered via Zoom after the Part 3 and Part 4 teaching weekend, this will take place at a mutually convenient time.The duration of these sessions will be 90mins.

Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training. A large part of the support for this course is done through the feedback process during your case studies where i give tips and pointers, and answer questions that you can act on during next case study. 


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,225 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £275. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can contact Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online, or via the clickng the link to the course above, copy and paste the URL links below into your browser


CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Training Diploma Certificate


1. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

2. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant


ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube/Netflix, you will be able to access zoom. a cat 8 eathernet lead is adised if you have a problem with and the signal drops.

EXTRA ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS either good speakers or headsets

Cost and Duration:

Qualification Gained:

Technical Requirements:

Working with Crystals Using The Keys Of Sound - Two Day Via Virtual Classroom

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

This two day workshop is a mixture of practical teachings and experiential meditations as we Journey into the metaphysical properties of crystals, using the keys of sound to link us to the secret dimensions of the crystal kingdom only accessed using the key of sound.

The teachings from this weekend will provide knowledge and wisdom of how to combine working with crystals and sound in a safe and effective way for yourself and your clients and learning how to activate the full potential healing power of working with crystals and Sound.

This workshop is Taught by Cosh tutor Ruby Larimar who is a qualified Crystal Therapist and an accredited member of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healers Organization), she will be joined by Alan West who is a Crystal Therapist with VCCT, Spiritual and Energy Medicine teacher with CHF, a Sound Healer with Cosh and a Shamanic Practitioner and together they will be bringing over 30 years of knowledge and wisdom of the crystal kingdom to share with the group and look forward to meeting you on the weekend.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last two years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • Learning how to Cleanse and Dedicate and Activate Crystals
  • Learning how to Combine Sound Healing with Crystals
  • Learning Crystal Layouts to use on the body
  • How to create Sacred Geometry Grids using Crystals
  • Technique's to heal and balance the Energy Body by removing blockages using Crystals and Sound
  • Learning how to Create Crystal Elixirs and infusing them with the energy of Sound
  • Learning Crystal Systems and Structure
  • Each participant attending the workshop will receive a crystal kit worth over £50 and Crystal Elixirs, these will be posted to you in advance of the Virtual Classroom to ensure you have them available for the workshop
  • Learn How to build a Basic Effective Crystal Tool Kit
  • The Role of Intention in Sound and Crystal Healing


  • This Workshop is open to participants who have experience of Healing receiving or giving
  • For personal or professional development
  • Open to all who are interested in learning how to work with crystals in a safe way and combining them with sound
  • This workshop counts towards one of your additional workshops for the Cosh Sound Healing Practitioner Training
  • This workshop will provide a 14hrs CPD certificate
  • You will Receive a Cosh Attendance Certificate

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

“I really loved the course. I love both crystals and sound so to learn how to combine these two was great. We received just enough practical information about crystals to keep us interested and curious, but I especially loved the meditations with various crystals to get the information on how I could work with them and examples of crystals representing different elements. I think that can be a wonderful help when working with sound (and not only) to balance the chakras and elements in our body. I can totally recommend the course to sound therapist and as standalone workshop “ - K Gutkowska

“On entering Holistic Ruby workshop Space you are greeted with warmth and kindness entering into her magical crystal lined temple “ – K Thorogood 2017'


Cost and Duration:  £275 10.00am -5.30pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: Qualification Gained: 14hrs CoSH CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements:  ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How to run group sound bath workshops - Sound Healing

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019




Cost and Duration:  £250 10.00am-5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained:  14hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How to run group sound bath workshops 

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time.

Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

This workshop will cover the following:

  • Guidance on setting up sacred space
  • How to hold group energy
  • Sensing group dynamics
  • Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath
  • Learn how to balance sound and silence
  • Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments
  • Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s including Soundscapes
  • Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person
  • Create and Deliver a Sound Bath 

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for CPD or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH. For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants: "Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right" M Bond May 2019

Cost and Duration: £325   10.00am-5pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: 14hrs CPD Points & If you complete the case study requirements you receive certificate to present to your insurance company

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing are key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and the multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you all soon.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over the virtual platform Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing —7th and 8th September 2024

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing — 16th and17th November 2024

Part Three : Music as Medicine — 22nd and 23rd  February 2025

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 10th and 11th May 2025

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 6th and 7th September 2025


10.30am- 5pm Both Days


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, later on in the course,  which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for the Treatment we learn during the Part Two weekend and also for your final assessment after the Part Four weekend. The supervised treatment session will be carried out individually with each student after the Part Two weekend at a mutually convenient time. This will support the practical delivery of the Basic treatment where I can direct you personally and provide feedback so you can carry out your case studies with confidence.

In addition there will be two group support mentoring sessions delivered via Zoom after the Part 3 and Part 4 teaching weekend, this will take place at a mutually convenient time.The duration of these sessions will be 90mins.

Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training. A large part of the support for this course is done through the feedback process during your case studies where i give tips and pointers, and answer questions that you can act on during next case study. 


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,225 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £275. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can contact Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online, or via the clickng the link to the course above, copy and paste the URL links below into your browser


CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Training Diploma Certificate


1. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

2. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant


ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube/Netflix, you will be able to access zoom. a cat 8 eathernet lead is adised if you have a problem with and the signal drops.

EXTRA ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS either good speakers or headsets

Cost and Duration:

Qualification Gained:

Technical Requirements:

Exploring the Healing Power of Tuning Forks

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

Dive into the world of vibrational healing with our hands-on workshop on tuning forks. This immersive session is designed for both beginners and those with prior experience in sound therapy, offering a deep exploration into the use of tuning forks for physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.

Participants will learn the fundamentals of use Tunning Forks in sound healing, including the science behind vibrational frequencies and their effects on the body and mind. Through guided practice, you will discover how to use tuning forks to balance the body's energy centers, alleviate stress, and promote relaxation.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll be equipped with practical techniques to integrate tuning forks into your personal wellness routine or professional practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the science of using Tunning Forks in sound healing
  • Techniques for using tuning forks on the body and in the energetic field
  • Balancing chakras and energy centers with tuning forks
  • Practical applications for stress relief and relaxation
  • Hands-on practice sessions with guidance

Who Should Attend: This workshop is ideal for wellness practitioners, sound healers, yoga instructors, and anyone interested in exploring alternative healing modalities. No prior experience with tuning forks is required.

Materials Needed: Tuning forks will be required for use during the workshop. Participants will also receive a handout with key techniques and tips for continued practice at home.

Venue Information : Via Zoom For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time

Cost : £125  Time 10.15am-5.45pm Duration :7hrs

Cost and Duration: £125 10.15am - 5.45pm

Qualification Gained: 7HRS CPD Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Access This Virtual Online Workshop Now

Ruby strongly believes that sound and sound healing are key to the new paradigm in understanding the human body and the multiverse. She feels privileged to teach the Sound Healing Practitioner Course with Voice. The Course provides the perfect mix of Theory and Practice to unlock the full potential of sound for healing. Ruby looks forward to meeting you all soon.


Due to the success of the pilot scheme to teach the Sound Healing Training Course via a virtual classroom, the College now offers the option to complete the training via a virtual classroom over the virtual platform Zoom. This is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together.

For those whom are new to the virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support my students and give healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the course will be delivered in real time.

The course will cover three basic ways of delivering sound healing sessions - In Person, Distant and Virtual Online.

The course manual can either be delivered in PDF format or a hard copy can be posted, any coursework handouts will be delivered in PDF format.


Part One : An Introduction to Sound Healing — 15th and 16th February 2025

Part Two : The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing — 5th and 6th April 2025

Part Three : Music as Medicine — 31st May and 1st June 2025

Part Four : Sound Healing through the Chakras — 13th and 14th September 2025

Part Five : Graduation Weekend — 6th and 7th December 2025


10.30am- 5.30pm Both Days


Are the same as the in person lessons, the only additional requirements for the virtual classroom platform are that you will be required to source a volunteer to be your body, later on in the course,  which can be a friend or family member. This will enable me to observe your In Person Healing technique for the Treatment we learn during the Part Two weekend and also for your final assessment after the Part Four weekend. The supervised treatment session will be carried out individually with each student after the Part Two weekend at a mutually convenient time. This will support the practical delivery of the Basic treatment where I can direct you personally and provide feedback so you can carry out your case studies with confidence.

In addition there will be two group support mentoring sessions delivered via Zoom after the Part 3 and Part 4 teaching weekend, this will take place at a mutually convenient time.The duration of these sessions will be 90mins.

Normal support and communication will be arranged periodically throughout the year's training. A large part of the support for this course is done through the feedback process during your case studies where i give tips and pointers, and answer questions that you can act on during next case study. 


The financial investment for the Five Parts if paid in full in advance is £1,225 or alternatively if you wish to pay in instalments the cost of each Part is £275. If you have any further questions please email Ruby directly on the email address below


Once you have enrolled you will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience.

You can contact Ruby directly on the e-mail address below to receive your booking form, or book your space directly online for each individual part or alternatively book the full year in advance online, or via the clickng the link to the course above, copy and paste the URL links below into your browser


CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Training Diploma Certificate


1. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant

2. Video Testimonial From Previous Participant


Cost and Duration: £275 Per Module Installment plan or £1225 Full Payment In advance 5 Module's over 5 Separate Weekends

Qualification Gained: CoSH Sound Healing Practitioner Training Diploma Certificate

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube/Netflix, you will be able to access zoom. a cat 8 eathernet lead is adised if you have a problem with and the signal drops. EXTRA ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS either good speakers or headsets

Creating Immersive Healing Soundscapes

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

The training will be delivered via virtual classroom over Zoom, this is an interactive platform, so we’ll be able to see each other, hear each other and sound together – unbound by location and distance.

Join us for a unique and engaging workshop where we explore the power of soundscapes to utilize in group sound bath offerings. In this workshop, you will learn to create soundscapes that align with the vibrational needs of your clients, whether you are facilitating a private session or guiding a group sound bath. We will explore the therapeutic qualities of different sounds, tones, and frequencies, and how to combine them to craft environments that promote relaxation, emotional release, and energetic balance

Soundscapes can be used with the intention to support strengthening community connections and foster a sense of belonging or in the corporate environment for team building or to express and explore your creativity or to create playful and sensory-rich workshop where children can explore the world of soundscapes in a safe and supportive environment.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have the skills and confidence to integrate custom soundscapes into your healing sessions, enhancing the effectiveness and depth of your practice.

Key Takeaways:

·       Understanding the role of soundscapes in healing and energy work

·       Techniques for creating soundscapes that support relaxation and emotional release

·       Exploring the therapeutic properties of different sounds and frequencies

·       Practical applications of soundscapes in individual and group healing sessions

·       Sensory exploration through sound and music

·       Encouraging self-expression and creativity in a supportive environment

·       Collaborative soundscape creation to foster social interaction

·       Techniques for using sound to enhance focus, relaxation, and emotional regulation

·       Positive, hands-on experience with sound and music

Who Should Attend: This workshop is ideal for sound healers, energy workers, holistic therapists, and meditation guides looking to expand their practice with soundscapes. Prior experience in sound healing or have attended my group sound bath workshop is recommended.

Venue Information : Via Zoom For those whom are new to the Virtual world please be assured that Zoom is a great platform. I have been working with Zoom over the last five years to deliver workshops, support to my students and healing sessions. The virtual platform Zoom is easy to navigate and connect with and the workshop will be delivered in real time

Additional Information : Once you have enrolled you will receive an email with Zoom link to allow you to access the virtual classroom and information for all your device settings to enhance your experience

Cost and Duration: £125  Time 10.15am-5.45pm 

Qualification Gained: There will be a certificate of attendance issued for 7.5hrs CPD. The workshop also qualifies towards the additional course requirement to complete the practitioner training with CoSH.

Cost and Duration: £125 10.15am - 5.45pm

Qualification Gained: NONE

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube / Netflix you will be able to access zoom. ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS: Either good speakers or headsets

How To Run Group Sound Bath Workshops

With Ruby Larimar : Sound Healing Tutor

Participants will be sent the link to the course prior to course commencement.

This workshop is suitable for qualified Sound Practitioner's, College of Sound Healing Practitioner Training Students, CPD Attendance , Yoga Teachers or for those whom wish to incorporate using VOICE or INSTRUMENTS or COMBINATION OF BOTH for Group Sound Bath sessions.

This workshop will be a mixture of practical and theory covering the following:

• Guidance on setting up sacred space

• How to hold group energy • Sensing group dynamics

• Learning how to use the instruments or voice to create a safe Sound Bath

• Learn how to balance sound and silence

• Demonstration of vast range of equipment and different methods of playing, including Gongs/ Tibetan Bowls / Crystal Bowls/ Koshi Chimes / Percussion Instruments

• Opportunity to play with a varied group of instruments

• Guidance how to structure the different types of Sound Bath’s

• Guidance how to deliver Sound Bath’s over the Virtual Platforms and In Person

• Create and Deliver a Group Sound Bath on the day

There will be a certificate of attendance issued for those completing the workshop for 12CPD hours or the additional course requirement to complete their practitioner training with CoSH.

For those whom intend to deliver Group Sound Bath Sessions you will be required to complete 6 Group Sound Bath case studies to receive your certificate to present to your insurance company

FEEDBACK From Previous Participants:

" Excellent course, filled in many knowledge gaps. Well structured, balanced, pitched exactly right " M Bond May 2019

VENUE INFORMATION The Venue is a 2 minute walk from Streatham Common Station with trains running regularly from London Victoria (17mins), London Bridge (25mins), Clapham Junction (10mins), Balham (5mins) in addition there are plenty of free car parking spaces available

Cost and Duration: £325 10.15am - 5.45pm Both Days

Qualification Gained: NONE

Technical Requirements: ZOOM REQUIREMENTS Minimum bandwidth is 600kbps and recommended is 1.5Mbps, if you are able to access you tube/Netflix, you will be able to access zoom. a cat 8 eathernet lead is adised if you have a problem with and the signal drops. EXTRA ZOOM RECOMMENDATIONS either good speakers or headsets

For more details or to book visit Ruby's website or contact Ruby by email or phone on 07900 806574.

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