Workshop Dates for Liz Whittall

LIZ WHITTALL · Lancashire


DATE : Saturday 19th October 2024 - Sunday 20th October 2024

TIME : 10.30am-4.30pm

COST : £200

VENUE : The Harmony Hub, 15 Queen\'s Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR71JU


Do you feel drawn to work with the Drum in Healing for yourself and others?

Do you actively work with Reiki and the Reiki 2 symbols?

If so, Reiki Drum could be for you.

This course takes place over two days with theory and teaching but with an emphasis on practice and experience.

You will learn and practice three unique and powerful Drum Healing processes:-

1. Reiki Drum Physical Healing

2. Mental/Emotional Healing (working with Affirmation)

3. Reiki Drum Journeying.

Open to anyone who has received the Reiki 2 Attunement.

Course cost- £200, including manual and lunches.

Contact Liz for more details and to book- 07931 534474.

Places limited- £20 deposit secures place.


Contact Liz Whittall on 07931 534474 

For more details or to book on any of the above dates please contact Liz on 07931534474

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