Our Tutors


    Liz Whittall

    Liz worked in secondary education for over 20 years before setting up The Harmony Hub, Holistic Community Centre. She is an NLP-based Coach and offers a range of supportive groups at The Hub including Meditation, Drumming, Mantra Circles and Reiki Shares. Liz also offers regular Sound Baths at The Hub and other local venues as well as camps, retreats and festivals.

    Liz teaches Mindfulness, Inca Shamanism and is a Reiki Master Teacher- teaching Usui Reiki to all levels as well as Karuna Reiki and Reiki Drum.

    It was Liz's experience with Reiki Drum that led her to explore the world of Sound Healing and in particular, the Gong. She has trained with several training providers over the last ten years and graduated as a CoSH Gong Practitioner in 2022.

    Liz is committed to making Sound Therapy affordable and accessible and works with a wide demographic including cancer patients, carers and those in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse.

    Liz is passionate about the need to offer high quality training and encourages her students to work with professionalism and integrity in taking Sound Healing out into the world.

    Liz teaches mainly from The Harmony Hub which is located just off the M61 in the Market Town of Chorley, Lancashire.

  • Gong Practitioner Training Dates

  • Workshop Dates

For more information, contact Liz by email or phone on 07931534474.

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